B Day

B Day

All students follow their B day schedule starting at 8:30am. New students, be mindful we begin classes on time at HSMSE, attendance and lateness are taken very seriously and students should always be at school on time.

Prepare for your morning commute always anticipating the possibility of schedule delays. City delays, waking up late and other circumstances are not reasons to repeatedly arrive late.

Responsibility begins freshman year. If you are right on time for school, you are already late. Organize and plan your day so that you are prepared to handle challenging commutes and communicate with family members ahead of time if you need to coordinate to assist with younger siblings.

If you have extenuating circumstances please feel free to contact Ms. Bennett ( [email protected] ) to talk through ways to help a challenging commute and work out a plan together so you can arrive to school each day on time!

Let’s have a great year and demonstrate great organization and responsibility with our attendance!

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