College Zoom Call Summer CheckIn with Counselor Barnewold

College Zoom Call Summer CheckIn with Counselor Barnewold
8/5/2024, 6:00 PM 7:15 PM

A senior family Fall Zoom meeting is planned each year in September to share the senior calendar in regards to the college process and graduation. However, as we recently have had some students and parents inquiring earlier we are extending an invitation for a midsummer zoom with Ms. Barnewold. Parents and students are invited to join this August 5th at 6 pm over zoom where Ms. Barnewold will share about the senior year calendar and expectations. The meeting information will be shared for anybody that cannot attend. We will still plan for our annual Fall zoom meeting as well, but wanted to offer this midsummer checkin for any students or families that would like to join and ask lingering questions about the college process.

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