HSMSE Summer Regents Exams

HSMSE Summer Regents Exams
8/19/2024 8/20/2024

Which students are impacted by the summer Regents?
Current Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores that have failed exams, were absent for June exam dates or have requested through their respective guidance counselor and communicated with AP Bartley regarding unique circumstances.

HSMSE asks that all students aspire to score above a 90% average on all Regents exams and as such in January and June some students are encouraged to make up previously taken exams to score above the 85-90% range. However, we generally do not use the August administration period for such make ups given the limitation of supports and planning with summer administration. If however a student (current sophomore, junior and seniors only) wishes to retake an exam they should directly contact AP Bartley at [email protected] for discussion and request.

Incoming freshman students are not scheduled for regents exams at HSMSE prior to beginning here as a student in September 2025 and should communicate with their prior middle school if they believe there is a reason they should have had a scheduled August exam.

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